Green Lipped Mussel

What’s the Green Lipped Mussel Dosage for Dogs?

These days many people are becoming aware of the benefits of green lipped mussel extract for naturally alleviating debilitating arthritis in dogs.

Clinical studies have shown this natural wonder food to be as effective in dogs as it is in humans, which is extremely encouraging. What’s more it can help heal your dog without the nasty side effects of synthetic drugs.

But what’s the correct dosage for dogs?

How Much Mussel Extract Should You Give?

It depends on a few factors — the size of your dog, how bad the symptoms are, and the type of supplement.

A general guide can be obtained from the dosage used in clinical trials. In this prominent study, the dogs exhibited varying degrees of arthritis symptoms and were given green lipped mussel powder in the following amounts:

  • Weight: 34 kg = 1,000 mg dosage.
  • Weight: 25-34 kg = 750 mg dosage. (As an example, Labradors are in this weight range).
  • Weight: Under 25 kg = 450 mg dosage.

What’s the Most Effective Way to Give it to my Dog?

Studies have also shown that the best way of giving the extract to dogs is to simply sprinkle powder over their food.

In one study, the powder was given to the dogs in three different ways. It was sprinkled on top of their standard dried food, incorporated into a treat and incorporated into a main meal. Although dogs in each group showed improvement, the most improvements came from the group that had the mussel powder sprinkled onto their food.

Dog Owners’ Experiences with Using the Mussel Powder

If you have a look at various dog related forums on the Internet, most people indicate that they started their dog on 500 mg of powder extract (usually one capsule of powder) per day.

They used the same extract as that taken by humans.

Depending on where you live, some people have doubled the dosage to 1,000 mg per day on cold days which cause their dog the most pain. Others have reduced the dosage to around 350 mg per day after a month or so, when their dog has shown improvement.

Here’s what one pet owner says about her dog after giving him the powder (starting at of a dosage 500 mg a day for her Labrador):

“I genuinely thought he improved after a couple of days, but how much of that was wishful thinking, I can’t be sure. However, certainly after a couple of weeks he was like a different dog, he hasn’t limped since and really enjoys running around like a lunatic on walks in the woods – I thought he was just easygoing before, but now realise he was probably uncomfortable!”

What’s the Best Mussel Powder for My Dog?

Of course, when you buy a mussel powder, it’s very important to get it from a reputable source in order to ensure maximum effect. As this popular brand comparison shows, there’s a big difference in the quality between brands.

Buying a discount brand is likely to mean that the potency of the mussel extract is poor. This is because many manufacturers use substandard mussels and inferior manufacturing methods to keep costs low. Many also add chemical stabilizers to prevent the mussels from oxidizing.

For more information about the benefits of green lipped mussel extract, download this FREE comprehensive Green Lipped Mussel Buyer’s Guide.

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Founder and Editor of Be Well Naturally.


  1. I have a huge golden retriever x Labrador. He weighs 45 kilos. I’ve ordered xtendlife GLM capsules 600mg. He has mild arthritis. How many capsules should I give him each day please ?

  2. I have an English Springer Spaniel (12 this coming May) who suffers from arthritis and causes him to limp on his front leg., but it does not stop him from madly rushing around. My vet recommended feeding Royal Canin Canine Mobility Dry Food as it contains New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel Extract. In the composition it is listed as 0.3%. Can I, or indeed should I, also feed GLM as a powder on top of these biscuits? If so, what would the dosage be. He weighs 20kgs. Your advice would be appreciated. Thank you,.

    1. Hi June, I guess it doesn’t say how many milligrams of mussel extract are in the biscuits? 0.3% doesn’t sound like much. You could add half a capsule (say around 200 mg) of mussel powder to his food. The recommended dosage for a dog under 25 kgs is one capsule (450 mg).

    1. The pug can be started off with 1/2 a capsule of mussel powder (about 200 mg). The boxer can have 750mg to 1000 mg, so try two capsules.

  3. Also a cat on thyroid medicine and on the cusp of kidney failure, has bad arthritis and cannot have meta am from the vet, would this supplement be adivasable, he’s at 4.4 kg.

  4. Hi Lisa
    My 2 rescue greyhounds are currently on Glucosomine and Omega 3 oils, do I continue to give these along side the green lipped mussel extract?.I have read somewhere that they work well in conjunction with each other but am worried about over doing it, many thanks

  5. So frustrating! 4 months on a high dose of green lipped mussels and no improvement at all for my dog. In fact, during this time, she’s gotten a lot worse.

    Have tried so many supplements that people rave about – “my dog is running around like a young dog again!” None of them have made any difference for my dog.

  6. We have given this to our 13 year old black lab for over 2 years now and he runs around like a young dog. We include 400 units of vitamin E to slow hair loss.

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